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Devon LMC has a small, professional, and dedicated full time Executive Team with additional part time members; GP representatives selected by their peers on a rotational basis meet regularly and work alongside the Executive Team to address areas of concern pertaining to the delivery of Primary Care in Devon. 




Dr Rachel Ali 

Chair of Devon LMC

​​​​​​​I've been in the South West since 2002 when I came down from Nottingham to do my house jobs at the RD&E. After happily working in a number of hospitals in the South West, I eventually saw the light and moved to general practice. I finished my training in 2015.
I've been a Medical Secretary with Devon LMC (2017-2021) and I'm also an elected representative on the Western Sub-Committee.

In 2016, I was elected to GPC at my first Conference of LMCs and have been lucky enough to be re-elected each year since. 

I live in Plymouth where my partner, my step-kids, my knitting and my slower-than-treacle running all conspire to keep me busy. If you need to find me and I'm not answering my phone, look for the woman on Plymouth Hoe watching the waves with a bag full of wool and a cup of coffee!


Bob Fancy OBE

Chief Executive Officer

I provide overarching leadership and management making sure that the LMC is run efficiently and provides optimal levels of service to General Practice in Devon. Working with the Board, I am responsible for the organisation’s long-term strategy, budget, business plan and stakeholder engagement whilst ensuring we remain legally compliant, conforming to all relevant regulations.


I enjoy family life and various outdoor hobbies.


Hannah Baxter

Operations Lead

I joined Devon LMC in 2016 having previously spent seven years working in a local GP practice. Since joining the LMC, my role has changed significantly and I am now the Executive Operations Lead with responsibility for leading and managing the LMC's support services; specifically those pertaining to resilience and future planning in general practice.

I provide day to day support to Devon practices including advice and guidance on a broad range of subjects and ensuring that emergent issues are promulgated expeditiously. It is a real privilege to look after the interests of General Practice!

Away from work as well as enjoying family time, I love being outdoors and making the most of what this beautiful county has to offer! My weekends are usually spent on the beach, sailing, or walking and picnicking on the moors. 


Helen West

Business & Finance Lead

Helen joined the LMC in August 2016 following two years working for Devon Clinical Commissioning Group and many years working in other public and private organisations in and around Exeter, such as Flybe and Devon Partnership Trust.

Helen is key to the organisation and is responsible for arranging the meetings on which the LMC leads or is involved; maintains the complex diaries for all the team and is PA for the Chief Executive Officer.

Helen is responsible for the finances of the organisation and provides management accounts for the board to help them steer the LMC in the best way and ensure that the levy is used most effectively.

When not at work Helen enjoys meeting friends, baking, reading and spending time with her family.


Dr Bruce Hughes

Medical Executive

I have been a GP for 23 years with a portfolio career which includes a partnership in a busy Practice. I am proud to have been involved with Devon LMC for 16 years and also represent South and West Devon and Cornwall at the BMA’s General Practitioner Committee (GPC). I am the GPC’s Policy Lead for Representation.


 Outside of work I enjoy sports, including open water swimming, judo and even arctic marathon running.


Dr Paul Hynam

Medical Executive

Paul has been a GP in Exeter since 2006 and is an elected LMC representative for his locality. He has been a Medical Secretary at Devon LMC since 2017. With a background in Medical education he was a small group facilitator at the Medical school which was followed by a number of years as a Programme Director for Exeter’s GP training scheme.

More recently he has taken on the role of Clinical Director for the NEXUS PCN in Exeter. Paul is a qualified coach and has developed Devon LMC’s GP coaching programme, providing free support for GPs across the County.

When not at work Paul can be found in East Devon, running, cycling or walking with his family and two lively dogs in the Blackdown hills.

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Dr Matt Best

Medical Executive

I moved to Devon in 2005 having graduated from St George’s Hospital Medical School, South West London.  Originally hailing from the Midlands, I was eager to leave London and the South East at that time and have never looked back since!  After house jobs in Derriford Hospital I quickly realised my heart and passion lay in General Practice.  I have been fortunate to work across the spectrum of General Practice in both training posts and since qualification, including inner city GP in Plymouth, suburban and rural practices.


Since completing training in 2010 I initially locumed, then took up a partnership in Yelverton Surgery, West Devon, where I remain a 6 session Partner.  Alongside developing vital partnership responsibilities, I have always remained passionate about representation and medical politics, having held various roles throughout medical school and whilst working in hospital.  I joined Devon LMC as an elected member of the Western Sub-Committee, where I currently hold the vice-chair role.  I am excited to step up to join the LMC Executive Team as a Medical Secretary to represent and support grass-roots GPs in Devon.


I live in Plymouth with my wife and two children.  When not ferrying children to various clubs I enjoy mountain biking, road biking, spending time at the beach, good food and great wine!


Joyce Pickering

Nurse Executive

I have been a GPN since 2004 and have worked in Newton Abbot since 2009. I manage a team of 11 and I have recently become a practice partner. I am currently a member of the RCN General practice forum committee and a CQC Nurse Specialist Advisor. I have an interest in clinical education and have recently completed the Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education at Exeter university.

​I am delighted to be the new LMC Nurse Med Sec and am very much looking forward to working with and supporting practice nurses both personally and professionally. This is a new role and will grow and develop over time. Please feel free to contact me via my LMC email address. I will be working alternate Thursdays and Fridays.

When not at work I enjoy walking my two spaniels (Isla and Ollie), cycling holidays and catching up with family in the beautiful Shetland Islands.


Ryan Johns

IT Administrator

Joined Devon LMC in July 2021 and provide dedicated support to the executive team; leading and managing the cloud-based environment to ensure a quality and comprehensive technology infrastructure that maximises the value from the Microsoft 365 applications. 

I work alongside the Executive Team to develop SharePoint content that is both beneficial and valuable to our membership and develop and maintain all aspects of the LMCs external website, optimising and shaping visitor experience. 

Outside of work I enjoy climbing three times a week, playing Sunday football, and I have a keen interest in building computers. 

Dr Jamie Graham

GP Fellow

I am a GP Registrar on the Torbay scheme. My career in healthcare started as a Chiropractor. I moved to Devon 5 years ago after studying graduate entry medicine at Warwick. I have always enjoyed taking on leadership roles, including BMA representative to Warwick Medical School. I look forward to bringing my experiences to, and learning from, this new role for Devon LMC. I will be especially focused on developing our engagement with GP registrars and new to practice GPs. 


My home life is busy with 3 under 4, but when time permits I enjoy DIY, boating and mountain biking. 

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